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null Six strategies for attracting tech talent


Two young tech professionals working with robotics
If you are searching for talent in the tech industry, you know the struggle of attracting top candidates to your organisation. Companies are constantly in competition with each other for high-performing talent to drive innovation and growth.
James Milligan and Amanda Whicher discussed the challenges of shaping a tech talent strategy during our webinar on key trends in the IT sector. As part of that discussion, both noted a shift in recent trends.
While tech giants have historically been the go-to destinations for aspiring tech professionals, this is changing. Candidates are now placing a higher value on job security, opportunities for career development and meaningful work. As a result, tech professionals are finding many of the traditionally ‘non-native’ organisations (including public services) more appealing than ever before.
To remain competitive, companies should look to create a compelling value proposition that resonates with tech talent.
Inspired by the insights from James and Amanda, we've collated six strategies to help you attract tech professionals and their skill sets.

1. Prioritise job security and stability

Given the continued economic uncertainty, job security should be high on the list when considering how to attract tech talent. Frequent hire-and-fire cycles at some large tech sector firms have made job stability a top concern. 
To attract tech professionals, look to highlight your company's stability and commitment to long-term employment. Also, highlight your track record of consistent growth and your proactive measures to ensure stability and growth. 
Quick tips for your tech talent strategy:
  • Highlight your organisation's financial health and stability in job listings and interviews.
  • Use testimonials from long-term employees to build trust and credibility.
  • Show clear career paths that demonstrate long-term opportunities within the company.

2. Offer development opportunities

Most people are looking for evidence of continuous learning and development when it comes to their careers. The same is true in the technology sector. Tech professionals seek employers who invest in their growth, providing avenues for skill and experience advancement.
By offering development programmes, you can attract tech talent eager to expand their expertise and advance their careers.
Quick development tips for your tech talent strategy:
  • Use training and development programmes to increase technical skills, including online courses, workshops or certifications.
  • Integrate mentorship programmes to guide employees on their career paths.
  • Encourage attendance at industry conferences and participation in professional networks.

3. Highlight innovative projects

Tech talent is driven by the opportunity to work on exciting projects that challenge their skills and creativity.
To attract these professionals, highlight the exciting and innovative nature of the work your company does. Showcase any digital transformations and groundbreaking projects and the impact they’ve had on your organisation.
Quick innovation tips for your tech talent strategy:
  • Create detailed project descriptions in job postings, emphasising the innovative aspects and potential impact the candidate(s) could have.
  • Use case studies and success stories to demonstrate the exciting projects your team has worked on.
  • Create a culture of innovation by encouraging employees to propose and lead new initiatives.

4. Promote a purpose-driven culture

Remember that during the recruiting process, tech professionals seek organisations that make a positive impact on the world. Promoting a purpose-driven culture can make all the difference in your value proposition. This approach attracts candidates who are passionate about contributing to a greater cause.
Quick culture tips for your tech talent strategy:
  • Clearly define and communicate your company's mission and values.
  • Highlight any corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives and their outcomes.
  • Encourage employee involvement in charity and volunteer programmes.

5. Provide competitive compensation and benefits 

While job security and purpose are crucial, competitive compensation and benefits remain key factors in talent acquisition.
Your renumeration offering should be in line with industry standards. Offering comprehensive benefits that address the needs of modern professionals is also highly attractive – consider what you can offer beyond a paycheck to attract modern talent, such as more holistic health benefits.
Quick competitive tips for your tech talent strategy:
  • Conduct regular market research to keep your compensation packages competitive.
  • Offer flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options and flexible hours.
  • Provide a comprehensive benefits package. This may include health insurance, retirement plans and wellness programmes.

6. Create a positive work environment

A positive work environment can make all the difference in attracting and retaining tech professionals. Creating such an environment includes fostering a culture of diversity, equality, and inclusion, as well as providing a supportive physical and virtual workspace.
Quick work environment tips for your tech talent strategy:
  • Promote a culture that values and listens to all voices through collaboration and inclusivity.
  • Invest in office spaces and remote work technologies that boost productivity and comfort.
  • Implement policies that support work-life balance, such as competitive leave policies and mental health support.
Attracting tech talent requires a mixed approach, addressing the desire for stability, growth, exciting work, purpose, competitive compensation, and a positive work environment.
By focusing on these six strategies, you can begin to shape an enticing value proposition. These strategies will allow you to boost your employer brand and stand out in the competitive tech landscape.

Find more advice on attracting talent to your organisation from Enterprise Solutions at Hays: