Contractor Management Outsourcing | Enterprise Solutions at Hays

Legal and compliant engagement of contingent workers
Our contractor management outsourcing (CMO) service combines a contractor-centric approach to on boarding and contractor care with a robust compliance and payment framework. Giving you the peace of mind that your contingent workers aren’t just legally ready to go, but you’re going to get the most out of your spend too.
Our CMO solution enables your organisation to quickly and safely engage any contingent worker, regardless of source or classification.
CMO can be deployed as an integral part of a managed service program or as a standalone service for pre identified workers. Regardless of deployment our dedicated on-boarding and support staff offer contractors a simple and responsive service, while streamlined payroll and payment processing ensure accurate and timely payments. For example:
- Payroll and employer of record – for workers deemed as “employees” such as those in mainly mainland European countries or as “workers” in the UK and elsewhere we offer a payroll or employee of record service which engages these workers. This ensures clear accountability and compliance with local legislative requirements including access to benefits where required, tax recollection and reporting requirements
- Contractor payments and agent of record – for incorporated or true self employed workers we offer a contractor payment or agent of record service for the compliant engagement, invoicing and payment of contractors
- Independent contractor compliance – for those workers purporting to be independent contractors our compliance service will validate this assertion and build the required supporting files and documentation and provide ongoing tracking and validation
Popular resources

Five risks you didn't know you had & how to fix them
Contingent workers are becoming increasingly more important in the workforce. However, as their numbers increase, so does the amount of risk you take on if not utilizing an MSP. Is your program making any of these risks?

Are the risks you're allowing worth the reward?
Areas of risk commonly overlooked and a list of crucial questions your business should be able to answer.

4 questions to ask your MSP about risk and compliance
Questions to ask your MSP to help you understand how they can help you reduce risk.